How to get woman?

July 15, 2013 2 min read

If you are a man, searching for the right girl, or just a player wanting to seduce a girl that cached your eye, than there is one thing you absolutely need to know; and that is listening. That's right; you need to know how to listen to her. Everything that she wants, everything she needs, everything that bothers her, and everything that she is, she is going to tell you, if you know how to listen.

It’s all about communication really. You can give tons and tons of compliments, you can be a looker, or have lots of money, but if you don’t know how to listen to her, and be a good friend, a shoulder she can cry on, then you are going to score nothing. And you’ll be right back where you started.

How to get woman is not a science, it’s just about a deeper understanding of some basic things. So stop listening to bad advices, and stop bragging about your new car, and your big new apartment, because no girl is going to take you serious. In their eyes you are going to look as a child always just talking about its toys. And every girl you approach is going to think she’s going to be your new toy, and she’ll disappear in a flash.

So forget about everything you thought you knew, because if you want to learn how to get woman, you need to start thinking more like a girl and les like a guy. Girls want attention, they want flowers and candy, they need someone they can talk to and relay on. They don’t need a guy that’s going to talk about sports and cars all the time. They want a guy that is funny and has lots of interests, a guy that knows where he is going with his life, and has dreams and goals.

Another important thing you should have in mind is that every girl wants a man who is going to respect her family and friends. You don’t need to love them, but you need to respect them, cause with respecting them, you are showing her, you respect her to. Don’t ever start a fight by commenting and giving critics about her friends, that’s something you can do when you are in a relationship for a long time, and you now all the facts, but when you are at the beginning of seducing a women, than you should be careful.

Never give critics about her hobbies. Remember, she had her hobbies, and loved them long before you came around, so you are going to lose. Don’t make fun of her, her clothes, her hair, her little habits, because, those things make her, the person she is, and the person you like. So don’t ever try to change her.

So try to be yourself, try to listen to her, get to know her, try to be there for her, and be a friend. If you do that, you are going to seduce and get the woman that you want, for sure.

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