“How To Be More Than Just Friends”

July 15, 2013 4 min read

She Says She Just Wants To Be Friends. Learn How To Be More Than Just Friends From Dating Expert David DeAngelo

How To Stop Being Just A Friend To Women

For women, friendships and romantic relationships are two separate things. They are NOT the same.

One can lead to another, but it's RARE when it happens.

Remember that.

While most men would sleep with most of their female “friends” if the woman “came on” to them, most women would NOT sleep with most men that they consider “just friends.”

But why is this?

How do women differentiate between “just friends” and “I'll be intimate with you?“

I believe that the answer comes down to understanding HOW women “know” when they want to “be intimate” with a man… and, even MORE importantly, understanding how women “know” when they DON'T want to “be intimate” with a man…

The thing that tells a woman whether the guy she's with is “friend” material or “lover” material is how she FEELS.

It's a combination of EMOTIONAL feelings and PHYSICAL feelings.

It is NOT logic.

She might USE logic to “rationalize” her decision… or she might USE logic to SOUND like she has a good reason for either “being with” or “not being with” a particular guy.

But don't let that distract you.

Logic isn't important AT ALL in this context.

A woman FEELS something emotionally and/or physically, then she uses those FEELINGS as the basis for her “decisions” and actions with a particular guy.

If she feels that “Ewwww Yuck!” feeling, then her “logical” conclusion will probably not be that she wants to date the guy in question.

If she feels that “It's Gettin' Hot In Here” feeling, then her “logical” conclusion will probably be that this guy is interesting and attractive, and a good “choice” to date. At this point she'll take ACTION on her feelings and thoughts…

Women are EXPERTS at recognizing men who DON'T GET IT. And if you DON'T get it, PLUS you're trying to compensate for the fact that you don't get it with gifts and compliments, then you're REALLY screwed

So how do you trigger the “it's gettin' hot in here” feeling?

Most men try to use gifts and compliments and being thoughtful to LET A WOMAN KNOW HE'S INTERESTED…

…HOPING that when the woman sees these displays she'll be interested in him.

But almost NONE of the things men do to court women make women FEEL ANYTHING even remotely similar to “Attraction” and “Arousal”

Of course, you know this.

You've probably done this stuff about a bazillion times. I have, too. I know what it's like to try OVER AND OVER to let a particular woman know that I'm interested… only to have her NOT RESPOND in a “romantic” way.

The PROBLEM with this kind of thing is that it communicates clearly that YOU DON'T GET IT. It tips a woman off INSTANTLY that you're not hip to what's going… and it kills your chances with her.

Say what?

You mean that doing nice things for women, and trying to show how you feel can actually HURT your chances with a woman?

Yea, it can.

Look, if you've been dating a woman exclusively for six months, and her birthday comes… it's OK to buy her a gift and tell her that you like spending time with her.

You're Already In A Relationship.

But if you've known a woman for six DAYS and you try this kind of thing, you're going to shoot yourself in the foot.

Women are EXPERTS at recognizing men who DON'T GET IT. And if you DON'T get it, PLUS you're trying to compensate for the fact that you don't get it with gifts and compliments, then you're REALLY screwed (or not screwed, as the case may be).

Remember what I'm about to tell you.

Write it on a sticky-note and put it on your computer monitor…


Keep in mind that single, attractive women watch guys do this stuff 24/7. They shake their pretty heads and say “He doesn't get it… He doesn't get it… He doesn't get it” over and over and over.

How To Stop Being Just A Friend To Women

The point is that if you DON'T GET IT, then nothing you do is going to work for you.

The problem is bigger than you can imagine, and you're going to need to take a totally different road to get where you're going…

Luckily, I've paved this road for you… in my eBook “Double Your Dating.”

I take you layer by layer into the female mind, and show you EXACTLY how to trigger that gut level feeling of attraction… and how to avoid the typical mistakes that most guys make that KILL attraction.

You deserve to stop being “just a friend” to women in your life. You deserve to have the success with women you want, whether that means casually dating several woman… or finding that one special girl.

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