"How To Impress ANY Woman”

July 15, 2013 3 min read

David DeAngelo Shows You How to Stop Trying to Impress Women and How to Actually Impress Women

Impress Any Woman
By David DeAngelo

I’ve learned a secret to impressing women that I’m going to share with you right now.

It’s a secret that probably not 1 in 1,000 men knows or will ever figure out on his own.

The REASON that most men will never figure out this particular secret is that it’s TOO OBVIOUS.

Let me explain…

I personally think that most men feel a very powerful desire to IMPRESS women.

If you watch the way a man behaves when he’s talking to a woman he’s just met or a woman that he’s on a first date with, you can SEE IT.

Maybe you’ve been there yourself.

I know I have. Many, many times, in fact.

The feeling that you need to impress a woman usually comes along with another feeling: DON’T SCREW THIS UP.

Here are some of the signs that a guy is feeling the need to “impress” the woman that he’s talking to:

1. He tries to only say “cool” things, or things that will “impress” the woman.

2. He acts nervous and stilted during the conversation… sometimes coming across as “formal”.

3. He tries to figure out what the woman wants to hear.

4. If he says something that the woman doesn’t like, he “back-pedals” and tries to change what he said to suit the woman.

5. He doesn’t say anything “risky”, doesn’t tease the woman, and doesn’t do anything to upset her.

…in other words, when a guy is talking to a woman that he “likes”, he’s usually on his “best behavior” and he’s trying to “put his best foot forward”.


And this drive to impress often makes them act UNNATURAL.

If you REALLY want to make a long-lasting impression, KEEP THE HUMOR GOING.
There’s your first hint, in fact…

The Secret To Impressing Women

Remember at the beginning when I told you that I was going to share a secret with you about how to impress women that not 1 in 1,000 men will figure out on their own?

Well, here it is:


If you will just STOP TRYING to impress women, and do the things I’m teaching you instead, women will NATURALLY be “impressed” by you.

What To Do Instead

OK, so you’re out having a cup of tea with a beautiful woman you just met a few days before…

She asks you what you do for a living.

Should you answer with:

1. “Well, I’m an engineer for a software company that makes sophisticated vector widget plotting algorithms. I’ve been with them for three years, and I’m about to be promoted to ALGORITHM MANAGER.“

2. “I do stunt work. Have you ever seen it in a movie when a hot actor has to reveal his naked ass? That’s my job.”

3. …?

Well, it all depends on what your outcome is.

If you want to try and IMPRESS the girl with your cool high-tech job, then #1 will work just fine.

Unfortunately, it won’t impress her at all and it will make you sound like a jackass who is trying to sound cool.

If you want to ACTUALLY impress her, try #2.

Most men don’t have the BALLS to say something like this when a woman asks a “serious” question like “What do you do?”

Impress Any Woman
If you REALLY want to make a long-lasting impression, KEEP THE HUMOR GOING.

She’ll say “No, really… what do you do?”

Answer with: “No, really. Haven’t you ever seen it when an actor needs a stunt ass? I mean hey… someone’s got to do it”.

There are other things you can do that will impress a woman… and I mean REALLY impress her.

But these things aren’t OBVIOUS.

The most IMPORTANT thing you can do to IMPRESS a woman is make her feel a powerful emotional ATTRACTION for you.

This feeling will stay with her long after you have left and gone home.

And it’s the one thing that will drive women to pursue YOU… and try to impress YOU.

What’s the best way to do this?

Stop trying to IMPRESS women. Stop now.
Go download yourself a free trial of my online eBook “Double Your Dating”, and read it. It contains literally DOZENS and dozens of great techniques for you to use that will help women feel ATTRACTION for you.
(By the way, on page 96 of my eBook I share another KILLER tip about how to impress a woman, without trying to. This one tip corrects a deadly mistake almost EVERY man makes with women - you’ll see what I mean…)

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