What Should I Do To Get Girls If I Am Old, Chubby, Shy - The Man Up Show, Ep. 55
Ask your private questions and get access to exclusive bonuses and coaching through our private Facebook Group. Join now: https://www.facebook.com/groups/manup... For over a decade, David Tian, Ph.D., has coached tens of thousands of people from over 87 countries to achieve happiness and success in their dating and love lives. Once a nerdy, skinny professor of Asian philosophy who couldn’t hold a conversation to save his life, David is now director of Aura Transformation Corp., and a world renowned dating and life coach. Dr. Tian has been featured in international media, including AXN, Cosmopolitan, Psychology Today, as well as co-hosting a radio show on national radio and a weekly dating advice column in a national newspaper in Singapore. Formerly a professor at the National University of Singapore, Dr. Tian is actively researching, speaking, and publishing in the areas of philosophy and psychology. The show, “Man Up: Masculinity for the Intelligent Man (http://www.auratransformation.org/blo... is David’s way of helping as many people as possible enjoy empowering and fulfilling lives, while contributing to the global understanding of masculinity in modern times. In the show, he takes your questions posed in the Man Up private Facebook group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/manup...) and answers based on his experience coaching (https://www.auratransformation.org/co...) tens of thousands of students around the world for over a decade." David’s also prepared free video courses that reveal how to get a new girlfriend, how to make friends anywhere, and how to talk to anyone. Click Here (https://www.auratransformation.org/) and scroll down the page to access these free resources. ***** In Man Up episode 55, I answer the question of: What should I do to get girls if I’m old, chubby and shy? [Intro music] Masculinity for the Intelligent Man. I am David Tian, Ph.D., and this is: Man Up. [Fade music] Hey, it’s David Tian Ph.D., welcome to episode 55 of Man Up. I’m here in Shanghai, in advance of our Mastermind Summit coming up. So I got a lot of guys flying in for this and it’s going to be awesome. I thought I’d take some time now, as the sun is setting, to answer some questions from the private Facebook group. And this one comes from Aki – I’m not sure if I’m pronouncing that correctly. It’s a Scandinavian word. So anyway, there you go, Aki. So the question is: He has gone through some of the free training videos and they’re very good and makes it look really easy – and that’s good because that’s the idea. It walks you through, step-by-step, how to do it and it’s pretty straightforward. But, he says, that he is different. He is shy, with no confidence, he’s chubby and he’s over fifty. And he says, many ladies look down on guys like him because of these disadvantages, especially European ladies, Swedish, for example. I’m assuming you’re Swedish, then. And that’s great because I have quite a few Swedish friends and the sociological studies have shown that Swedish women expect their men – I guess, sort of like a Viking thing – to step up. When they see something they want, they should go and get it. They should speak up and so on and not be timid and afraid and all that. So it makes sense. And that’s good – I think that’s good because men should benot timid and afraid and diffident and so on. If you’re going to go do it, just do it. So anyway, let’s answer the question. And I’ll break it down into the various points he’s mentioned because each of these points are slightly different. So let’s go with shy, no self-confidence. Well, those are different. So confidence comes in two ways. The easiest way and the way that most people get confidence is by obtaining – like practice or doing the thing that they’re not confident about. Because remember the first time you rode a bicycle? You weren’t confident because it was the first time. And then you rode it – I don’t know how long it takes, 50 times? Until you’re starting to feel really comfortable with it, you can take the training wheels off and you could go. And now, if you’re an adult, you jump on a bike and it’s a relatively easy thing to do and it’s hard to forget, actually how to do it. So it’s easy to do but only because you have the experience and you’ve gone and done it many times. "To read more, click here: http://www.davidtianphd.com/date-stra..."