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Hiking Date Guide: What To Wear & Take (Plus 4 Things NOT To Do)

Here’s the dreaded question…

What do you have planned for your date?

Whether it’s your first date or 15th wedding anniversary, going on a hike is a brilliant alternative versus the basic overpriced dinner at your local Italian joint.

But be warned, a hiking date is going to be markedly different from a dinner and movie, especially if this is your first or second date with a new sweetie.

Here are some tips and ideas so you so can curate the most romantic adventure possible.

Date Ideas

First off, you’re probably wondering what to do on a hiking date? Here are some ideas to get you started!

  • Hidden treasure: The day before your hike date, hide a guitar along the trail and wow them when you pluck your treasure from out behind a rock and play them a saccharine love song.
  • Surprise getaway: Tell your date to take the day off but keep everything hush hush. You can keep them in the dark by having them pack for three different kinds of outfits for vastly different climates (snow, desert and rain). Then take them to an all expense paid location of your choosing, whether that be a cabin in the Sierra or a secluded, whimsical trail in the mossy forest.
  • Headlamp adventure: Take a late afternoon hike with some yummy food and picnic on a west pointing vantage point to watch the sun sink below the horizon.  Then throw on your headlamps and hike back to your start point under the starlight. This is an especially good option if you are crunched on time and date night falls on a work day.

What to Wear

You might be wondering what to wear on a hiking date?

Whether you are a boy or girl, you’re gonna want to look cute. You can’t look like a Nat Geo photographer or an Alaskan fisherman when you are trying to win someone’s affection. I mean it is a date right?

And there are functional hiking outfits that looks pretty dapper. Danner makes some pretty snazzy looking shoes for both men and women.

You should probably don some moisture wicking clothing, which helps keep you cool so you aren’t slick with sweat when you try to initiate a cuddle sesh.

Also pack some shady sun hats if the weather is warm or some beanies if it is cold outside. Science may have debunked the theory that you lose half your body heat through your head, but the truth is that a your head is sensitive and keeping it swaddled or shaded will make you both a 100 x happier.

You should also opt for some versatile hiking boots that can handle mud puddles, boulder hopping and dusty trails. These are the features you’ll want in adventure boots– ample ankle support, waterproof lining, grippy outsole and a cushy insole.

Also remember bring an extra pair of boot laces in case yours tear and most importantly, make sure to break in your boots (because there isn’t anything romantic about blisters).

If you’re thinking about hiking in jeans, don’t do it.

Finally, make sure to bring some waterproof clothing and a whole extra set of clothes in the off chance you fall into a lake after making out or a surprise rain storm interrupts your adventure. If it’s just a day hike for a couple of hours, you can pack a lot more lightly than if you’re planning on camping overnight.

What to Take

Bring a cushy sleeping pad so you can sit together on the rough rocky ground and also pack a thick blanket so you can snuggle when those frosty winds pick up.

Don’t forget a thermos that’ll keep your drinks warm (or cold) all day. Fill it to the brim with coffee, lemonade, or if the situation allows it, maybe some Irish whiskeys.

Also since this is a hiking date and not simply just a hike, bring an extra special treat.

Like ice-cream, stuffed olives, truffles, fancy cheeses or my personal favorite— chocolate covered bacon, because what else says true love like chocolate covered bacon, am I right?

If things go off without a hitch, suggest stopping for some more snacks or a late night burger on the way home to extend your adventure date.

What Does a Hiking Date Look Like?

Every couple’s experience will be as unique as they are, but if you want to take a peek into a hiking date, here’s a couple who decided to film theirs to share it with you.

What to Avoid

Mistake #1

Triple check the weather before adventure. Believe me, an unexpected snow storm can cause a pretty nasty fight or squash the opportunity scoring for a second date.

Mistake #2

Don’t tightly schedule the date. Leave room for mistakes, mishaps and time to be whimsical.

If you are driving three hours to a trailhead to have to rush to the peak and zoom home, we can promise you it won’t be romantic. Simply because you won’t even have time to even glance at one another.

It goes without saying that dates are all about taking extra time to ask each other questions and look at each other in a new light. Let your romantic partner set the pace and take ample breaks along the way. It’s not a race, unless you’re dating a triathlete or something.

Mistake #3

Don’t be afraid of those deep, prolonged silences (silence ≠ boredom) and don’t be tempted to fill the void with jabber. Just ask thoughtful questions, be your silly, sarcastic self because in the end learning more about one another is vital to any relationship, at any stage.

We assure you, all couples will say there is intimacy in simply sitting together in silence, eating some cheap ramen and soaking in a colorful sunset.

Mistake #4

Be extremely choosy when selecting your hiking destination. You’re going to want to find a hiking route or destination that is easily reached (by car or foot) unless you want to be coated in a fresh layer of sweat for your whole romantic adventure.

Most of the time long drives and intense hikes are better left to more established couples. Remember to over communicate about what each of you are comfortable with as far as duration and intensity goes. Leave no stone unturned!

Now You Are Ready for a Hiking Date!

If it’s your first romantic rendezvous a little trek will help take that nervous edge off with some endorphins or captivating vistas.

Or if it’s an old love were talking about here, a romantic hike is the perfect way to rekindle tired dating and make a stock holiday day memorable.

So no matter the occasion, consider a hiking date!




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