What are pheromones?
Pheromones are chemicals that our bodies produce when we are sexually excited. They are emitted to send messages to our partners. Most pheromones consist of blends of two or more chemicals that need to be emitted at exactly the right moment, to send the message. They have a really important role; they help us attract the best mate.
There are several kinds of human pheromones like Androstenol, Androstenone, Androstereone, Androstadienone, Copulins and Estratetraenol.
Androstenol makes the wearer seem more approachable and friendly; Androstenone projects a dominant and aggressive aura and has a strong and sharp smell; Androsterone, creates an aura of protection usually associated with peaceful alpha males; Androstadienone, increases caring feelings and closeness; and Copulins - female pheromones that can increase testosterone levels in men. Some of the lesser known pheromones include Androstadienol and Estratetraenol.
Pheromones can trigger powerful responses in both men and women. If you’re looking for the man or woman of your dreams, remember that pheromones in your body scent are playing an important role in mate attraction. People who use commercial pheromone oils, colognes and sprays claim that products they use increase their attractiveness to members of the opposite sex. Users of human pheromone products report that other people pay more attention to them and are generally friendlier to them.
The term pheromone comes from two Greek words: pherein which means “to transfer”, and hormon, which means “to stimulate”. Pheromone is an aromatic chemical compound released by one person that affects the physiology or behavior of another individual.
Scientists have known about pheromones since 1870 and recorded the effects of pheromones on mating in insects and some other animal species. In 1986 the scientists proved the existence of human pheromones and began to document pheromone effects on human beings.
People can’t consciously detect another individual’s pheromones, in other words we can’t “smell” them in the traditional way. But, if pheromones are undetectable by the human sense of smell, how can humans be influenced by them? The answer is that pheromones are detected by an organ inside the nose called the VNO (vomeronasal organ). The VNO transfers the signals that pheromones send to the part of the brain which governs some basic human sensations, like love and hate.
For many years, the existence of the VNO produced much speculation because it had only been found occasionally in adult humans, and when it was found, it was believed to be vestigial. However, in 1985 a study was conducted in which the noses of 100 human adults were examined post-mortem. The VNO was found in the septum’s of 70% of those examined. Since 1985, much evidence has been gathered to suggest the presence of the VNO in most adult humans, but many scientists still believe it to be a functionless organ that was inherited from some ancestor of humans. However, recent genetic research has shown the possibility of a receptor in the nose that could sense pheromones. When searching the human genome for genes that had similar sequences to those of rodent pheromone receptors, scientists found one gene that could produce a pheromone receptor, and when searching olfactory tissue from the human nose, they found this receptor. There is another important thing to add; only a human pheromone can trigger a response in humans.