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Two Key Ways To Maintain A Positive Attitude About Dating

It’s not always easy to maintain a positive attitude when you’re dating. Yet, a good outlook is crucial to your dating success. How can you stay upbeat and fresh when trying to meet new people and faced with rejection?

There are two key phrases that can make all the difference in your attitude about dating and looking for love: “What the heck?” and “Who’s Next?”

When asking clients what contributed to their dating success, so many respond, “I finally decided, ‘What the heck?’ and posted my profile, went to the dance, or said yes to the blind date. Saying “No” to these methods hadn’t produced the results they wanted. Somehow these people managed to push past the fear and realize there was very little to lose except their single status.

They asked themselves, “What’s the worst thing that could happen?” This is a great way to free yourself up from unfounded fears. The likelihood of meeting an ax murder is statistically slim.

Of course you’ll use common sense and be safe about your dating choices. You’ll meet prospects in busy, public places (like Starbucks) with well-lit parking lots. You may tell a friend where you’re going and what time to expect you back. If extra nervous, some women have brought a friend along to watch from another part of the café.

Naturally trying anything new can cause trepidation. But, without a willingness to explore various dating avenues, these happy clients who found love wouldn’t be with their partners today. Adopting a “What the heck?” attitude will help you put aside fears in favor of action, to move toward the goal of meeting the right person for you.

Beth placed her personal ad in a local weekly paper. She screened lots of responses and finally decided to meet one man who had piqued her curiosity. They had a lot in common – in fact more than she realized because as it turns out, he lived right around the corner from her. Without placing that ad, Beth probably never would have met her “neighbor” who was an active, kind-hearted man with a great sense of humor.

If you are holding yourself back from meeting men because the methods seem daunting, take the pressure off and start convincing yourself that you have nothing to lose but your singleness. Say “What the heck?” and get on with it!

The other crucial phrase for a successful dating campaign is “Who’s next?” This question provides a positive solution to the inevitable rejection that’s part of the dating process. When you are disappointed by someone you meet or have a date that didn’t go your way, ask yourself who could be next on your dating agenda.

This way of thinking stems from abundance where there are always more men to meet and date. If one guy doesn’t cut the mustard or passes you up, remember there are plenty more where he came from. Never before have there been this many single adults looking for love. Why bemoan the loss of one guy who got away? Instead stay positive and look forward to the new prospects you’ll meet.

When I was dating, I certainly had my share of bad dates. For example, I met Ken at a trendy restaurant. No sooner had I approached him to identify myself as his date, he looked at his watch and announced that he had only 15 minutes. Rude? Oh yeah. Did I feel hurt and rejected? Of course. But, as I drove home, I consoled myself with one amazingly promising thought – the next night I had a date with someone else.

“Who’s next?” thinking is the best cure for almost anything that ails a person on the dating front. If you need to have a little pity-party over one that got away, go ahead. But don’t lose your self-confidence, positive attitude, or momentum. Keep the mourning over a man you just met to a minimum, because countless other men are waiting to meet a fabulous woman like you.

Incorporate these potent phrases into your thoughts about dating and experience the powerful, positive influence they provide. You deserve the love you want, so stay focused, optimistic, and active.


By Ronnie Ann Ryan


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