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How to Attract Men: 5 Ways to Make a Man Attracted to You

If you were wondering what attracts men to women, it’s actually quite easy, and once you master it, you’ll have no trouble. Whether he’s a shy guy, the outgoing socialite or the Harvard intellectual the same rule applies for every single one, so arm yourself with what we are about to tell you, and with the new gained knowledge you’ll be living happily ever after.

What Attracts Men the Most Is Exactly What You Have. Find out How to Attract Men with These Tricks worth Gold and Attract Men Just by Being Yourself

Willing to do whatever it takes to make a man attracted to you? Then, you are in the right place. Here are 5 ways to effectively attract men that such as using your smile that that has never been put this simple.

1. Smile wide: be positive and happy

What guys find attractive about women is their positive spirit. This spirit manifests through your smile. Whether you have the perfect pearl white teeth or not it doesn’t matter, when you have an honest smile it radiates and attracts a man immediately.
Men like to be around positive and happy people, because that attitude can reflect on them as well. Smile, because it automatically motivates a man to approach you. Attract men with your happy disposition, because this trick can be applied to almost every single guy out there. No man wants to approach a woman that is grumpy and sad looking. Appearing grumpy will make you unattractive no matter how good-looking you are. You don’t have to smile at everyone, but if you see a guy you like, let your smile tell him he’s welcome to approach you. He won’t miss the sign.

2, Attract him with your smell

Mesmerize him with your beautiful scent

It’s important to know what scents attract men. Every single guy has a certain preference about what kind of perfume he likes, but here is a tip for you.
Try to stay fresh all the time, and avoid strong perfumes and smells that will irritate rather than attract them to you. Thinking about what scent attracts men we came to the conclusion those are natural scents. The smell of your skin, and freshly washed hair… Every woman has a specific scent, and that is exactly what you should point it out and use to your advantage.

3. Be natural: relax and be yourself

Guys don’t like fake women so try to remember that. What attracts men the most is a woman who doesn’t pretend to be something else, so that a guy would like her, but is herself. You don’t need to pretend you are anything you are not.

That would mean that you are trying to get him to like the fake you, not the real you. If so, you can’t blame him for being confused later on, once you take the ‘mask’ off. So here is a little tip from us. Right off the bat, try to be yourself and show him what kind of person you are. It will save you both the time and hassle if you don’t like each other. It’s not just about the time, but it’s fair. We’re not suggesting you don’t take a shower for two days, and don’t do your hair, no. Keep it together, but don’t over do it. There is no need to act like a diva in front of a guy and pretend you are crazy about baseball if you’re actually not that kind of a girl. If you do, next thing you know: he’s taking you to weekly baseball games, and you’re not happy.

4. Confidence: you are a strong, independent woman

Don’t be needy, because that won’t attract guys. What attracts men are women who are confident in their own personality and looks, and aren’t craving attention and fishing for compliments.

If you’re asking yourself ‘Well, how do I attract men?’ all the time, that’s a sign of insecurity as well. When a woman walks and talks with confidence, men are attracted instantly. A woman that is confident knows what she is comfortable with, and will strive towards making other people feel good about themselves. She isn’t focused on making herself look amazing, while at the same time undermining her partner. She also takes the first step, if her partner is hesitant. And if you’re insecure about something, believe that a man can smell it from the distance. He can see it in your eyes, your gestures, and your voice. So lose the inhibitions and be confident in yourself and your achievements, and the way you’re going to do this is by always keeping in mind the positive and good things you have in your life.

5. Humor: jokes relax even the shiest guys

If you’re a girl that likes to joke around then you’re definitely in advantage if wondering how to attract men. And if you are serious, than just loosen up a bit, you don’t have to be a stand-up comedian for a guy to think you’re funny.

Once you understand this, it kind of takes the pressure of the entire ‘hunt’. Humor is a great way to attract a guy to you, and to make him be interested in you, and if you’re wondering why, it’s simply because men love to be around women who are entertaining and know how to make him laugh. We always say men are not serious enough, well: draw a conclusion from it. That means they love to joke around, so once you know this take it to your advantage, trust us, you can’t go wrong.

All that is left is to choose

Once you have mastered all these steps, you will know exactly what attracts men to women scientifically, although we’re not going to get too deep into science. We have tried them out for you, and these really work! So start working on your smile and confidence, relax and get ready to woo a guy with your natural charm! It’s all it takes. And no matter what you read or hear out there, you don’t have to be a successful, independent business woman to be attractive to men. Just be yourself, and let your personality shine through!

By Abie Giles



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