10 Types Of Men Gorgeous Women Avoid To Date

For some men, women may seem unpredictable. Often I get comments from gentlemen complaining that girls don’t express clearly what they want and they (guys) are not mind readers. Truth to be told, you don’t need to be able to read minds. What women like in men and what they loathe is pretty universal, whether it’s an American college student or a International university graduate. The types of guys quality ladies avoid to date also broadcast true from coast to coast.

10 Types of Men Beautiful Women Do Not Want to Date

The categories of men that gorgeous ladies prefer to stay away from are not set in cast iron. Besides, one person can unite more than one attribute that women find repulsive. See if you know some people who have the traits, which are not particularly attractive to pretty ladies.

1. Baggage handler

With all the dating advice out there, some men still talk about their exes with women they date. It is a total taboo and no self-respecting female will be happy to listen to your stories of a broken heart or bashing another girl. Discuss such things with a therapist, or if you struggle to afford one, your best friend or parent. Sort it out in your head and move one. There are so many amazing girls in this world, why would you mention someone who couldn’t value you.

2. Sickly

Guys who don’t look after their health are a turn off for smart and beautiful women. You don’t need to be a gym junkie but good habits go a long way when you are dating. Junk food, smoking, and excessive alcohol consumption not only bring the last day of your life closer but also cause nice-looking females to shun you. Start moving towards a healthier lifestyle and the quality of women accessible to you will definitely improve.

3. Philanderer

Certainly, no lady wants to date a man who is married or involved but conveniently forgot to mention this fact in his introduction. But this category also includes guys who cannot stop looking at other girls even when he is with someone else. If a smart and pretty woman notices you doing it, you are history. Keep your eyes only for your date if you want it to go the right way.

4. Schlub

This is probably the most instant turn off: Guys with poor hygiene and unkempt appearance. Girls literally feel nauseous next to men who stink. I personally had an experience like this. I have also witnessed a 19-year-old man going on a date after a full day of work in summer without taking a shower. He simply sprayed himself with a deodorant for a minute. This categorically is not going to work. Women have a much finer sense of smell than men. You may not smell it but she could be struggling not to throw up. Please take as many showers as you need during the day, so that there is no odour other than your deodorant or cologne when you are meeting women. Wear only a fresh shirt. If you go on a date and suspect you may have started exuding an aroma, go to a bathroom and clean yourself up using paper towels and water. Girls will be thankful.

Women have a much finer sense of smell than men. You may not smell it but she could be struggling not to throw up. Please take as many showers as you need during the day, so that there is no odour other than your deodorant or cologne when you are meeting women. Wear only a fresh shirt. If you go on a date and suspect you may have started exuding an aroma, go to a bathroom and clean yourself up using paper towels and water. Girls will be thankful.

Women have a much finer sense of smell than men. You may not smell it but she could be struggling not to throw up. Please take as many showers as you need during the day, so that there is no odour other than your deodorant or cologne when you are meeting women. Wear only a fresh shirt. If you go on a date and suspect you may have started exuding an aroma, go to a bathroom and clean yourself up using paper towels and water. Girls will be thankful.

5. Timid

Scaredy cats are afraid of taking any action. It’s hard for girls to be with such a guy, as she constantly has to provide assurance and often lead. Being respectful is lovely but being scared to make a move makes you dull. Breath in and take the step you know you should take.

6. Bore

The classic definition of a bore is “the person who talks about himself when I want to talk about myself.” Truth is, you don’t need to talk a lot to be interesting. Learn to listen to what other people say and ask questions that will keep them talking. When they finish chatting to you, they are going to think you were the most interesting person to have a conversation with.

7. Critic

Such guys always find flaws with everything. If you tell them about an idea, they’ll immediately explain to you why it’s not going to work. Describing a party they went to, the first thing you hear is what was wrong with the way it was set up. It’s an instant turn off. Rather than seeking negatives, find what you can compliment.

8. Dogmatic

Similar to the previous type, these lads turn off any possible attraction by sticking to their views and not allowing any deviation to anyone around. In addition, they often like to preach. Having values and being faithful to them is an attractive trait. Imposing your life views on others, on the other hand, and not allowing people to live the way they would like to, is far from a turn on. Let others have their views, too.

9. Online gamer

I understand we all at one stage (yes, including me) played online games. In small doses, it’s fun and innocent. But it’s not my “interest” by any means, and let me tell you, it’s not a usual hobby for beautiful women either. Girls don’t want to date guys who prefer playing games to hanging out with her. Of course, if you are making millions as a professional gamer, this doesn’t apply to you: It’s your career. But if you are spending plenty of time and money on games, she probably won’t like you. Try to wind yourself off this habit, and stunning females may will see you in a different light.

I understand we all at one stage (yes, including me) played online games. In small doses, it’s fun and innocent. But it’s not my “interest” by any means, and let me tell you, it’s not a usual hobby for beautiful women either. Girls don’t want to date guys who prefer playing games to hanging out with her. Of course, if you are making millions as a professional gamer, this doesn’t apply to you: It’s your career. But if you are spending plenty of time and money on games, she probably won’t like you. Try to wind yourself off this habit, and stunning females may will see you in a different light.

Girls don’t want to date guys who prefer playing games to hanging out with her. Of course, if you are making millions as a professional gamer, this doesn’t apply to you: It’s your career. But if you are spending plenty of time and money on games, she probably won’t like you. Try to wind yourself off this habit, and stunning females may will see you in a different light.

10. Grabby

It’s the type of guy who can’t keep his hands to himself and starts touching women before they developed a desire to be touched. One inappropriate movement like this can land you in the cast of untouchables in her view. Check if she is ready by simply moving closer: If she doesn’t move back, it’s an encouraging sign. But if she moves away, it’s way too early.

Remember, women make decisions pretty quickly and usually don’t change their minds once they saw you a certain way. There are errors and there are grave errors, after which no further positive relationship is possible.


by Elena


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